(A) Country code

Type your country code before your registered phone number starting with ‘+’ symbol (Ex: +91 444 984 2345) where +91 indicates country code and 444 984 2345 indicates phone number. Now, try to Login again.

(B) Push notification:

Step 1: Enter your registered phone number with '+' symbol followed by the country code and click Get Started.

Step 2: Click on Get notification on phone to login and you will receive a notification on InTouchApp on your phone.

Step 3: Click on the InTouchApp notification received on your registered number/phone to verify. 

If not, open InTouchApp > Navigate to the Feed tab > Go to InTouchApp Login & Click on link to Login.

Step 4: Select Yes, Log me in and click on the InTouchApp chrome extension to check (It will refresh the page automatically and you will be successfully logged-in).

For further questions, you can drop us an email at support@intouchapp.com or Chat with us.