If your phone number is not recognized, please check & try the below solutions:-

Country Code: Type your country code before your registered phone number starting with ‘+’ symbol (Ex: +91 444 984 2345) and log in again.

Verified Number: If you login with non-verified number or a wrong password or both, the message “Invalid Phone or password” will be displayed.

Please check your login details under profile settings on phone app and login again. 

Follow the steps below to check your login details:

Step 1 - Open InTouchApp on your phone.

Step 2 - Click on your profile on top centre at the screen.

Step 3 - Click on Settings at the top right corner.

Step 4 - Click on Profile (under Manager your account) and you will see the Username and Verified Phone numbers listed there.

Please Note: Please enter correct password to login. To know how to reset password, click here.

For further questions, you can drop us an email at support@intouchapp.com or Chat with us.