• Before you proceed, you need to have InTouchApp installed on your phone, and the InTouchApp Extension installed on Chrome. Learn more.

As the date, month and year change, the auto-update date prefix will contain automatically updated date, month and year.

How to add/assign an auto-update date prefix while saving unknown contacts?

Step 1 - Click on "Save Now" to save all unknown contacts OR Click on Auto button beside the "Save Now".

Step 2 - Click on the currently selected prefix to see the options.

Step 3 - Select from one of the already given below prefixes or you can specify your own custom prefix. 

Step 4 - To add a new custom auto-update date prefix, type in the "Search / Add prefix" field, 

eg. type "Lead " , then select {DD} written above in blue colour, you can also type any special character like "/" , then select "{MM}/{YY}" and finally click on.

This is completely customisable prefix. you can use text, special characters and {DD}, {MM}, {YY} in any sequence.

And it's Done! you can now see the custom prefix in the list of prefixes shown in image below.

Below is an explanation of how the contact name is assigned with an auto-update date prefix:

PrefixContacts are saved as
{MM}_{YY}On 30th April 2024, Apr_24 ...

For the next month, May_24 ...

{DD}_{MM}_{YY}On 30th April 2024, 30_Apr_24 ...
For the next day,  01_May_24 ...
Lead {DD}/{MM}/{YY}
On 30th April 2024Lead 30/Apr/24 ...
For the next day, Lead 01/May/24 ...

Once the contacts are synced you can see them on WhatsApp, as shown in image below, with the prefix Lead {DD}/{MM}/{YY}.

For further questions, you can reach us via email at support@intouchapp.com or Chat with us.